The best way I can honour Czr - CZR’s AUCTION

It all started when I realized how many toys Czr had accumulated after he passed & instead of being distributed throughout our home they were piled up in the living room. Over the last 3 months I’ve noticed how little Via plays with them & I think previously her enjoyment from them was simply taking them away from Czr (😂🤷‍♀️) so instead of holding onto them & having them collect dust, I figured the best way I could honour Czr would be to try to do some good with them & put together an auction of some of his items to raise money for a cause I’m passionate towards. 


Why is this so important? Over the course of this last year we’ve all had our lives impacted by lockdowns, restrictions & the pandemic: many nonprofits are struggling to find ways to obtain donations without being able to do much fundraising. Some groups are super fortunate & have fairly big followings that can help balance things a bit, but there are some that have had to completely halt where they help others. ACTSS Alberta is a group close to home that helps families cover the cost of cancer treatment for their pets; having 2 pups diagnosed with different cancers within a couple months of each other, I’m empathetic to the stress of the diagnosis alone, let alone trying to figure out the costs associated to veterinary treatment. For that reason, I know Czr would give a big nod to auctioning off some items to raise some donations for this group. Fees will be deducted from the final selling price, shipping is additional & all donations will be shared here, as well as on our Instagram/Facebook accounts.

Many of these items may only be valuable to those who love Czr, but I’m hoping by doing this we can help make it a little easier for ACTSS to keep saving animals & blessing families with a bit more time together.

Thank you to everyone who’s willing to be a part of this! Happy bidding (auctions end April 20th)

 UPDATE!!! I want to thank everyone who came out, full of love for Czr & helped us raise $1568.72 for ACTSS!!! Posted below are the donation receipts. I was disappointed with eBay at the end of everything because they take 17.55% in fees off the amount collected for shipping, including charging you taxes on shipping fees. However, you obviously end up paying tax rates at the post office so I just felt it wasn’t right. I want to include this information here for anyone considering running an auction on eBay, because I wouldn’t use them again due to these charges on shipping fees, but if you do, make sure you include 12.55% + your local tax rate to your shipping rate so you don’t end up losing money. Despite all that, I’m super happy with what we accomplished & I’ll work on a couple other fundraising ideas for ACTSS coming up next!

Again, thank you SO much!!! I love you guys! 

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